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Feedback On Final Product and Process


I got feedback from tutors, student and family members who are in the media industry.Getting feedback on mostly sound levels not being great but as we had the nightmare with sound I was expecting feedback on the sound the most. There was part of my film were sound levels was too high and parts where the sound levels where too low. I will need to do a final draft of my film with and colour grade. I also was told my short film look quite like a music video because I had parts of the film with just music. I also pictured the quick cuts scene to have music as well as the ending. I got a lot of positive feedback with using sound effects on the voice over. A lot of the sound issues where to do with the time schedule. The reason I had a little amount of audio towards the end of the was because of the song i was using had a powerful effect to the film for me. The other reason I didn’t have sound in the end part of the film was because me and the actor were filming in a public area with a knife so we had to be quite discreet and not attract the public being two young boys.

I also gave my self feedback from looking at all the clips day by day from the filming and decide what i was going to add and what i would have to re film. I didn’t realise how important it was for me to do this after each day of filming because i could look at mistakes i made and made they would happen again while filming. It also help me out massive with saving time as I knew exactly

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