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Feedback on Themes And Ideas


I got feedback mainly from my tutors on my script and ideas for my theme.The tutors told me it wasn’t a good idea to look into my specfic topic so late into the final major project work but told me to work double as hard as at this point I was a few weeks behind.

I had issues with how long my film was going to be and all the production essentials that happen while making a short film. I had feedback from my tutor, about not having the cliche in films about youth; for example knives, drugs and talking london youth style. This was going to be hard as my film was about a young boy whom the audience, within the first few minutes, think is a bad person without seeing what he is really like because my film was going to have all them issues to bring up with knifes , drugs and style of music and clothes.

Also got a lot of the feedback with how hard the topic was going to be with picking such a big topic like stereotypes and how I would portray the character in my film to have a good stereotype by the end of the film. Which I was relying on a good end to the film with the twist of audience believing the charter is a bad person in till the end of film.


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