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Reflective Diary

Evaluation and Reflective Diary:

Reflective Diary

This is the reflective diary of all the others projects I worked while working my own final major project. This was great opportunity for us a class to come together and help one and other.So in a way I dint have a choice to work on these projects because I needed them to help me on my own project in return. Im glad I worked on these specific projects which I’m going to be talking about below because it was different to what I usual work on and also had elements of a new learning process.

Justin Grant// The Story Behind The Art//Music Documentary

I started working with Justin grant of a few of his projects before hand so I knew what to expect when working with Justin again. I was the camera operator on his Test documentary as well as his final major project documentary (The Story Behind The Art). I was also given the role of cinematograhper which was great because I believe this is my strong point and Justin knew he could put his trust in me from previously working on many projects with me as the cinematographer.

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Being the cinematographer I knew I had a big role because I was a key part of how Justin final major project would turned out. As it being a documentary about Grime culture I done my Research looking into different Grime documentaries such as Chanel 4 Music Nation,A Noisey Film The Police Vs Grime Music and many more Low key documentaires about Grime culture.

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I also worked with two London based Grime Artist (A-Man) & (Blay). This was great as I had people to impress because (Blay) being a established Artist So It was on a serious level off work attitude.

This was great for me to work on for a personal level working with Grime artist and looking at the Grime culture of London Life.As I would be out of my comfort zone with looking a different style of filming compared to being a camera operator on short films.

The Story behind The Art//Grime documentary

The Link 

Evaluation On working on The Story Behind The Art

The overall time working on this project went well , Justin Grant (Director) didn’t have a shot list for his filming which In my eyes was a good thing for me being main camera operator I could add my own touch and also capture moments at anytime. He could of planned the filming days better with maybe having a time schedule of when would be filming and the specific times and dates. Which would have meant it would have been more organised when filming was happening but overall went pretty well. We filmed on 3 different days working on the test video for our six week project and work on different styles and techniques from Justin’s chosen Documentary filmmakers.

Armin Druzanovic//Jennifer//Short Film

I work on Armin Druzanovic short film “Jennifer” for two days as the sound recordist, which was great fun as we had very exciting scenes to film with having a kidnap scene in his film. this scene was very tiring trying to run with the car and trying to get the best sound possible.The whole time we were on a very tight time schedule due to waiting for cast and crew to turn up. One of the actors was an hour and 15 minutes late from the originally call time:9.30am. although the car scene was great for me and some of my favourite shots are in the car scene it was a very long process as we were filming in Cenrtal London which was always busy with cars and members of the public disturbing us while filming. Some of the crew had an unprofessional  attitude with the project. Filming was tight as certain times of the day 3 of crew and cast had to leave by 1.30pm on 1 of the days and cast and crew turing up late didn’t help that with having the tight schedule.

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The film in my opinion was a lot better than I originally pictured this was only because of how much of a rush we where in all the time while shooting this short film. It worked out well even though I would say it was 60% bad and 40% over the filming process. The film turned out well and I was happy to be a part of the crew.



On working the two filming project with Justin Grant & Armin Druzanovic on a short film “Jennifer” and Grime Documentary. With Justin grants Music documentary we had more time to work on the docemnarty then both mine and Armins short film.I learnt many exprinces about people attuide to the work good and bad. We had a few issues with sound on both Armin and Justin project whilst filming.But the overall outcome of both project was good.


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