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Target Audience

Target audience

The great part of making a film about stereotypes is that I believe that all ages, all cultures and all backgrounds would hopefully want to see this film so I would say that I don’t have a age range or demographic for this film So I wouldn’t have specific target audience. I originally planned to make the film for the age range between 20-60 and more edging towards the working class demeograhic. As the film is set in north London of today on the lifestyle of a young boy in his hoodie trying to get on with his life by being judge for who he is because of his style,taste of music,clothes and so on. Its good for the older audience as well as the younger audience to see this film because of the topic I am focusing on.With such a big topic like stereotypes I would actually like more of the older middle class to upper class audience to see this film as It might change their views on stereotype on young people and see us through didn’t light.

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