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Choosing the theme was a tricky one as I left it quite late into the final major due date was a few weeks away.I wanted to chose a theme that I hadn’t really looked at before as well as having a powerful message behind it. As this was going to be the last film we would be making at college I knew it had to be a theme that I would put my all into the final major project film.I looked at many different themes before choosing to look at the topic of stereotypes and what stereotypes means to people lives of today.

As this is a big topic around the world with people being misjudged for who their actually are every single day I knew it was going to be a hard topic to work on, both in writing a good script and producing a good short film.

I did questionnaires and interviews on what people think about stereotypes and how we could change people views on stereotypes. Living in London this is a great place to look at stereotyping as people on an everyday basis stereotype in London with having so many different cultures , backgrounds and peoples day to day jobs.

I knew if I got the story right for the film then I could get a big issue like stereotypes displayed on screen to try and change peoples views on the youth of today. Being a young male I get stereotyped for things which do not describe me as a person for example if I wear a hoodie I will be stereotype as a bad person as to when I wear smart clothes I get judge for something else.My aim is to try and get across to the audience of how much of a problem stereotyping is and the issues that the young generation have to deal with all the time.

Stereotypes article-2023924-0d5b619d00000578-907_964x641

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