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Visits to short film events

Short Film Competition 

I went to a few short film events while working on my FMP to see other filmmakers’ styles and hear about what they had to say. I visited one short film competition where my older brother’s graduation film was being shown. It was great to see a family member’s piece of work on the big screen. It was also interesting to see other filmmakers, of different ages, different lifestyles and different cultural backgrounds which made the competition have a very unique style. This was great for me, as a young filmmaker, to see the step up from making films at college to be making filming at university level or at a professional standards.


Short film Event & Networking by Tomi Essien//The Display Case 

I also attended a short film/networking event put on by a college friend in my class for his Final Major Project. Showing short films from other students in my class including my final major project film and six other films from our class. The event also had short films from professionals in the business. It was a great experience for us as young filmmakers to see other filmmakers and their work on a professional level. It was more of a social event with the opportunity to meet young people in the media industry, including actors and actresses as well as young up and coming filmmakers, like myself and the cast and crew from my film “Our Society”. Overall it was a great event watching everybody’s films in front of an audience with free drinks and popcorn.



Event Video

This shows you the event in a 3 minutes video which is nice to look back on and also great for people who couldn’t make it on the day to see how the event panned out.

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