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Plurality Trailers

Plurality Trailers 

First Trailer

Second Trailer

Evaluation in Making The Plurality Trailers ?

We where told in class to watch the short film (Plurality by Dennis Liu). We had to make two version of this short film into two different trailers. The first trailer we had to make on Adobe Premiere pro CS6 was just a practice run into how to use Adobe Premiere and try get the hang of it.

The Second one we had to create was a bit more difficult then the first trailer because we where told to make into to a different genre which was a hard task as everyone was new to Adobe Premiere. When You have an action style short film and your told to change the genre within the clips we had to work with. I found it hard to get use to Adobe Premiere because i was using different editing software called Final Cut Pro 7  it has a similar layout but everything els is different to each other.

Hope you Enjoy!

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