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The evaluation on my Title Sequence My Name Is Earl

The good parts about the title sequence ?

When we started working on our title sequence in lesson and were told to come up with a remake of our favourite title sequence from our favourite show I originally came up with remaking the American hit drama Homeland because of how creative it is and how stylish it is in using old footage and new footage to create something out of the ordinary. But when I looked into to the title sequence I came to realise it didn’t really have much motion graphics and as the assignment is for motion graphics I looked into another American series My name Is Earl. This worked out much better in my view because of it use of motion graphics in the original title sequence.


The bad parts about the title sequence ?

I think it went well overall because it wasn’t too similar but wasn’t too different for the viewers to not know which title sequence it is. The whole progress of making the title sequence went well, especially the filming, which ran smoothly with all the shots, I needed.  Already knowing who I wanted to act in my title sequence straight away made it a lot easier for me and cast and crew. The whole pre production side I felt went well. The voice over was not as good as I wanted it to be because the main actor in my title sequence was not around on the day when I needed the voice over to be completed so I was the voice over for my title sequence.


What could of gone better with the overall project  ?

I think there are some things that could have gone better and some things that went really well like the filming and pre production. I think I could have used more motion graphics but as I am still learning how it all works, I didn’t feel very confident. The whole idea I wanted was to have an introduction to all the main characters in the show, using actors from college and using motion graphics to introduce each character for their own title sequence.   However our title sequence had to be the same duration as the original title sequence. So this left me not using as much motion graphics as I had planned to.

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