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Creating an Business Cards & QR Code

Business Cards & QR Code 

Creating a business card and QR code. This was to show us how to start your own freelance or future business off with using cheap and easy ways to get you ready. I learnt a lot from having someone showing me how to set up a business card because it means I now know what you should have on your business card and what you don’t tend to worry about having on your business card.

Setting up a QR code was great because it could also fit in with your business as a digital business card in the way with having the option of having your name , address , phone number , webs site ,Facebook , twitter and all the other online information your would need to know about a person with just a quick scan using your phone.

Step by Step guide in how to set up an business card.

Step 1: First thing you will look at is choosing a card and the design of your chose. depends on your price range but I went for this specific design as example off what I would like my future business card to look like because even that it is a very basic design it also looks smart and its not to much.



Step 2: After you have picked your design you can chose to uploaded your own images , change the title name and put your own personal information.



Step 3: After you have chosen your business card and the design you can add your own personal QR code and then you are ready to finalise your order.


Step 4: You will get to see a preview of your business card before purchasing from both views front and back of the card and decide if you want to change anything on your card before purchasing.



Step 5: As a thank you for using there website (vista print) you will be offfered a free card holder for all your business cards.



Step by step in creating an QR code

As I learnt more about what an QR code is I thought what an great idea for any type of business man or woman to have in the digital world we live in today. people nowadays do everything on there phones or iPad’s and to have a code you scan from you phone  or iPad and have someone information straight there is very handy.


Step 1 :  Creating an QR code is quite easy as its four easy steps.The first step you can add your own free text for your Bio/ example just a bit of writing about yourself.


Step 2 : You have to enter ULR for example your youtube account or Vimeo account somewhere which has a link to your online portfolio. Which is the great part about it because it means you can have your digital business card as well as your paper copy business card.




Step 3 : The Main contact part with your name , business , email ,fax , country, city and all the other important information you would need. which is great because if you can’t put all your details on your business you can have all the information on your own personel QR code.



Step 4 : Your final QR code

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