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Digital Post Production Film

Digital Post Production Film competition

what was it like for me ?

It was very interesting to see what Films/ Documentary they are making in india to see the difference between from the UK . Some of the films weren’t great and some of the films where better then others. I think the films where more about putting across the word about poverty and AID in India.

what did I learnt from this experience ?

I learnt a lot about how bad the poverty and AID is in india. Which was a great eye opener for me and the group who went to film competition. I also spoke to a few professionals in the business who gave me guidance in how to get into the media industry and how to make the best out of what you have got with your own skills. Which was great because you meeting other people who are trying to get into the film & T.V industry as well as professional who are already in the media field.



I thought the films where ok but could been a lot better but i think it was more about putting the message across


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